
Become a Billet

“Billeting” is a hockey tradition, especially important at the Junior level. The billet program allows these players to complete their high school education, take on-line courses and/or obtain part time employment in the community while taking their hockey careers to the next level.

Portage kids grow up wanting to be Terriers, and we need to ensure longevity of the program. Please consider opening your house to billet a player.

If you are interested in becoming a billet or have any questions about billeting, please feel free to contact Nancy Funk, Jessica Martin, Cody Buhler or Blake Spiller.

Nancy Funk – (204) 871-8300
Jessica Martin – (204) 871-0478
Cody Buhler – (204) 871-1162
Blake Spiller – (204) 857-1720

Email – portageterriers@outlook.com


Q: Do we have what it takes to be a billet family? Do we have time for a player?
A: It is of great importance to the Portage Terriers Hockey Program that we place our players in caring family environments that are committed to providing a supportive home away from home. Opening your home takes time, patience and willingness to share. There may be differences to overcome, but learning about these differences and celebrating them is part of the joy of welcoming someone new into your home. Often time, this is the players first experience at being away from home, family, and friends and the host family becomes a very important part of their lives.

Q: What makes a great billet family?
A: A sensitive and patient family. It can be overwhelming for the player to be far away from home. A thoughtful billet family appreciates that each player is unique, and communication and mutual understanding takes effort. The intended billeting experience is to offer a safe, secure, welcoming environment for the player to learn and grow in.

Q: Is everyone in your household ready to accept someone new staying with them.
A: If you have children, are they comfortable with having someone new in the house.


  • A patient, caring and friendly home atmosphere
  • A separate room for the player, furnished much like a dorm room (bed, desk & chair, clothing storage)
  • Nutritious meals including breakfast, lunch and dinner (or the ability for the player to make his own meals)
  • The same guidance and attention you would want for your own children (given they were in the same situation)


  • Must follow all team and host family house rules and show respect for other host family members
  • Must take care of their room, including keeping it clean and doing their own laundry
  • Transportation to and from practices and home games unless other arrangements have been made with the host family
  • Players are responsible for the schooling and must maintain good grades
  • If not attending classes, players are to seek part-time employment